Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Reading Notes: Epified Mahabharata, Part C

Hello World!!

 This reading was a continuation of the Epified Mahabharata. As much as I enjoy this format of viewing the Mahabharata I found that I was getting a bit lost throughout the story. The story jumped around a bit in my opinion, and I found that it was difficult for me to keep track of the various stories that were introduced in the middle of the main story. It was the same with the readings as well, but at times it can be very difficult to keep all of the characters straight. 

I found that the story that I enjoyed the most was that of Bhim and Bakasur. I like the way the story goes, but I wonder if Bhim could have used a riddle or a rhyme to confuse Bakasur. It would add some form of a comic element to the story and stray from the normal form of the past stories as well. I also wonder how it would be if a different character had the fought the battle or if the battle had been like Harry Potter's battle with the Dragon in the fourth installment of the series. I think this would be a very interesting take for a new and unique story. 

Bhim and Bakasur, Source:

I also enjoyed the Pandavas escape as well! I think it would be really funny if the tunnel had a hidden exit. Everyone would assume that they were stuck but someone could find the opening and that would change everything. It could be unnecessarily over dramatic to provoke some comedy. I suppose that I am in a comedic mood today!

As much as I enjoy these episodes I feel that I am starting to be incredibly bored by the monotonous tone in which they are presented. I am going to be on the lookout for any new material to read! Something completely different would be very appreciated. 
All the above information can be found at this link: Reading Guide for Epified.  

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Reading Notes: Epified Mahabharata, Part B

Hello World!! 

 For the reading this week, I decided that I wanted to continue with the Epified story of the Mahabharata. I enjoy these shorts that are quick and concise. I think that this is a wonderful format to be able to view. 

The part that struck me in this specific part of the episodes was the mantra that Kunti was given to summon any god from the sage. I liked that they showed how she found the true importance and ability of the power that she had received. I do wonder what it would be like if she had ended up being selfish and had chosen to ask for something that she wanted. Maybe she could have requested for another another mantra that would allow her to do as she wanted without requesting for anyone else's consent. 

I wish she would have kept the cute adorable baby. I wonder how she would be able to take care of him. I think that the sage she had been serving would have been able to help take care of him as well. I think that would make for a great story. 

Kunti and the Baby, Source: Epicology -

I do feel that it is a little difficult for me to have different opinions on the same material, but I have more a different view on the presentation of the same material. It is the same story almost exactly. It has the same characters and situations, but it is shown in video format.

All the above information can be found at this link: Reading Guide for Epified. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Week 8 Growth Mindset

Hello World!! 

Growth mindset is something that we have spoken about before in this blog. The main concept of having a growth mindset is looking at failures in a positive light and learning them rather than attempting to beat ourselves up about our downfalls.

You know how we all have that little voice in or head's? Like the Marvin's voice for Dory is her conscience? When I was little my voice was always gnawing at me, and it always tended to exaggerate my flaws. My philosophy has always been, if you point out your flaws to yourself you will be able to work past them and find success. After a few years of doing this to myself constantly I realized I was completely wrong. I quickly found that talking myself up after things that didn't go my way helped so much more than trying to make myself feel terrible about everything that I couldn't do. I suppose I had discovered having a growth mindset was beneficial before even realizing that there was a name for what I had chosen to do. This small decision has allowed me to be able to accomplish things I had no idea I could do until I tried.

Inspirational Quote, Source: LoveThisPic

When thinking about this class, I have realized that I do my best not stressing out about everything that I have to do helps me. I also do my best to not go crazy when I miss an assignment. I simply take a look at all of the extra credit that I can use to recover from my error. This allows my stress levels to drop.  I still feel that my time isn't being managed well, but since I do get everything done on time I am not going to take that as a terrible thing.

All in all, I am thankful that I had the ability and the chance to apply a growth mindset to everything that I chose to do in my life. It has helped me excel in ways that I didn't even know were possible. I highly recommend that you attempt to apply this to your own life. You will see a world of a difference.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Portfolio Index

The Makhaan Chor 

After finally moving to a neighborhood a man encounters an adorable child! He attempts to make friends with the child only to discover that the child has a secret! To make matters worse, there is a makhaan chor on the loose in the neighborhood. Will the man be able to put two and two together? 

  Abandoning Love

 Sita and Rama are a loving and wonderful couple, but suddenly something changes. Rama decides to go on a trip with Sita, but something unexpected happens. What does Rama do? What happens to Sita? How does she react? What is the reason for all this chaos? Read this story to find out what happens to the sweet couple.

Sita's Choice

We have all heard the story of Ram and Sita. We all know that they were in love and are the ideal for the Indian culture when it comes to any love-based scenario. Despite all of this information, have we ever been able to see the story from Sita's point-of-view? How did she feel about being abducted or even about having to prove her purity to her own husband? What would have been different? Here I present to you a story of a women with a choice, and I truly hope that you enjoy it.

 Thataka's Story 

 This is a story about a change in destiny for Thataka. We all want to be given a second chance. A chance to mend our mistakes. A chance to help us become better better people. Thataka is blessed with a second chance. What will she choose to do with that chance? Is it possible for her to mend her ways?

Week 8 Reflections

Hello World!!

The past eight weeks have simply flown past. I didn't even realize that we had reached the halfway mark in the semester. It's a wonderful thing though. I used to have a teacher that always said, "Learning isn't occurring when you are counting down the minutes till the class ends. It is occurring when the bell rings and you didn't even realize time had gone by." I completely agree with his statement. I find that time went by so quickly because I learned so much in this class. 

I have never had to keep up with a blog or a website before, and being a Public Relations major I knew that having this special ability would allow for me to excel in my career. I found that there is a significant amount of hard work that goes into keeping up with all of these things. It was a very special learning experience for me, and I am very grateful for it. 


 I feel that this class has helped me become a better writer as well. It has been a while since I have been able to simply write for myself. I have missed it. I truly do enjoy the critique that I get from other students as well as from the professor, herself. It helps me better understand what I need to work on. With something like writing there is always room for improvement, and since I am out of practice this class helped me even more. 

I really enjoy this class! I am glad that I decided to take it, and I am grateful that it is much better than what I had initially expected. I guess sometimes it is good to take the risk. IT might just work out in your favor.  

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Reading Notes: Epified Mahabharata, Part A

Hello World!!

For this week's reading, I have chosen to watch the epified version of the Mahabharata. I really enjoy choosing a new medium form when attempting to understand a different version of the same story. I find it interesting to see what the variations are when progressing from one form to the next. When watching the epified version I adored the animations. I found that I felt like I was child being told a story, and I enjoy that immensely so I am not complaining. I found that I needed to pay attention to the character list in this form as well. Especially since the animation was in black in white it was a bit difficult to differentiate the characters from just the outlines. I did enjoy that each video was short and sweet yet covered just enough information for you to keep wanting to watch. I feel that this may be a bit difficult for little children to pay attention to rather than older children.

Otherwise, I really like watching the episodes. It doesn't take up as much time for me as reading and annotating does, but it still allows me to understand the material thoroughly.  My only concern is how long the viewing is. It is 6 weeks worth of episodes to watch, and while I would love to continue watching it, I am worried that this will cause an issue with future assignments. 

My favorite part so far was Vasu and the servant girl. I felt it being played out slightly like "Beauty and the Beast" which is easily my absolute favorite fairy tale. It made me happy that she wasn't afraid of him, and honestly I am a person who cares much more about personality than about their looks. I am curious about how the news would have been received had Vasu been an incredibly gorgeous man. I feel like that would have resulted in a quick change in reaction from the females.

Beauty and the Beast, Source:
 All the above information can be found at this link: Reading Guide for Epified.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Reading Notes: Narayan's Mahabharata, Section D

Hello World!!

This week we completed the Mahabharata. There was an incredible amount of bloodshed in the last bit of this book. The entire book had some violence, but this specific part definitely had an extreme amount in my opinion. I was incredibly amazed by how each of the characters were killed of one by one. In all honesty, I was aware that certain characters were going to die but I didn't think that all of them would meet the same fate. I was particularly upset about Krishna's death. I had always heard the story of Radha and Krishna, so I suppose that it was a bit of a shock to me when he was killed. 

The part that seemed the most cruel to me was the entire scene with Drona. I didn't think that someone could be so manipulative. I knew once I had read that Ashwatthaman, the elephant, was dead that there would be a twist in the story. I felt so terrible for Drona. I can't imagine what that would have felt like. I'm sure I would have had the same reaction. I can't believe that he was killed while he was still in shock and mourning the death of his son. I can't imagine the kind of heart it would take to do something like that. 

Drona's Death, Source:

 In all honesty, while I enjoyed the Ramayana this story became a bit more than what I could handle in this last little bit. I enjoy quite a bit of guts and gore, but I felt like this was much more extreme. It was a significant contrast in the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. In my opinion the Ramayana was a love story while the Mahabharata was more about war. 

All information has come from Narayan's Mahabharata, (link to Reading Guide D)