Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Week 8 Reflections

Hello World!!

The past eight weeks have simply flown past. I didn't even realize that we had reached the halfway mark in the semester. It's a wonderful thing though. I used to have a teacher that always said, "Learning isn't occurring when you are counting down the minutes till the class ends. It is occurring when the bell rings and you didn't even realize time had gone by." I completely agree with his statement. I find that time went by so quickly because I learned so much in this class. 

I have never had to keep up with a blog or a website before, and being a Public Relations major I knew that having this special ability would allow for me to excel in my career. I found that there is a significant amount of hard work that goes into keeping up with all of these things. It was a very special learning experience for me, and I am very grateful for it. 

Source: mrssolsclass.blogspot.com

 I feel that this class has helped me become a better writer as well. It has been a while since I have been able to simply write for myself. I have missed it. I truly do enjoy the critique that I get from other students as well as from the professor, herself. It helps me better understand what I need to work on. With something like writing there is always room for improvement, and since I am out of practice this class helped me even more. 

I really enjoy this class! I am glad that I decided to take it, and I am grateful that it is much better than what I had initially expected. I guess sometimes it is good to take the risk. IT might just work out in your favor.  

1 comment:

  1. I honestly don't even think it dawned on me that we were halfway through when I was writing these posts last week. It's been such a fast semester so far that I'm not entirely looking forward to the other half! I have so much left to do this semester and I can't believe I have less than 8 weeks to get it all done!
    I've enjoyed writing for myself too and being able to submit things without countless revisions and making it absolutely perfect. It's relaxing!
