Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Reading Notes: Epified Mahabharata, Part B

Hello World!! 

 For the reading this week, I decided that I wanted to continue with the Epified story of the Mahabharata. I enjoy these shorts that are quick and concise. I think that this is a wonderful format to be able to view. 

The part that struck me in this specific part of the episodes was the mantra that Kunti was given to summon any god from the sage. I liked that they showed how she found the true importance and ability of the power that she had received. I do wonder what it would be like if she had ended up being selfish and had chosen to ask for something that she wanted. Maybe she could have requested for another another mantra that would allow her to do as she wanted without requesting for anyone else's consent. 

I wish she would have kept the cute adorable baby. I wonder how she would be able to take care of him. I think that the sage she had been serving would have been able to help take care of him as well. I think that would make for a great story. 

Kunti and the Baby, Source: Epicology -

I do feel that it is a little difficult for me to have different opinions on the same material, but I have more a different view on the presentation of the same material. It is the same story almost exactly. It has the same characters and situations, but it is shown in video format.

All the above information can be found at this link: Reading Guide for Epified. 

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