Monday, September 19, 2016

Storybook Announcement!

Hello World! 

I just wanted to let everyone know that I am starting my own Storybook website. I chose this option because I wanted to learn more about handling a web page and designing some of the images and things that I display there! I enjoy writing and hope that you will enjoy reading my stories! Here is the link to my page: Storybook Link! 

On a side note: Tech Tip: Google Site Website was incredibly helpful in completing this assignment! Especially since I am new to blogging and websites!  


  1. Alright, so I cheated and decided to choose a short post for my second comment. I agree that Google Sites is incredibly helpful. It's so easy and straightforward to created new pages and everything. I was new to blogging when I took Myth/Folklore, but now I find it really easy! I look forward to reading more of your storybook this semester!

  2. Hey Sahra, I really loved using the Google site website too! I did a Portfolio for both of my projects, but I have used it in other classes. It is very user friendly and seems to have a pretty straightforward approach to creating everything! This is always nice, especially for new bloggers and such. I hope that you have enjoyed writing your Storybook!
