Hello World!!
TIME. Who would stop to think that this small little four letter word could mean everything to a person. It can make the difference of going from nothing to everything. We all run after time. We feel the need for it to stop, for it to move faster, or even complain that there isn't even enough to go around. You would think that having dealt with this trivial issue for so long we would have gotten used to the one simple fact that everyone seems to forget. Time doesn't ever stop for anyone. NEVER. It doesn't matter how many fallen eyelashes or shooting stars we put our faith in, We won't be able to make it slow down or stop for us.So, you can imagine that for a college student like myself, it became incredibly difficult for me to even fathom how summer went by so quickly! It seemed as though I closed my eyes and then opened them and it was time for school. Although it does help that I have been working incessantly for this one moment that other people tend to take for granted. This meant I was all too excited to begin my semester at the University of Oklahoma this fall. I was even counting down the days, packing in advance, getting my books ready, and making various important lists for what I deemed fit. You name it, I had it prepared. The only thing that I forgot about was how hard it would be for me to move away from my family. We don't think about it until it happens I suppose, but with a family that is as close as mine, leaving them was incredibly difficult.
Don't misunderstand. I definitely made the most of my summer, and I didn't spend it moping! From late night movies to family reunions everything was given ample time, however some how it still doesn't seem like enough. Long story short, in today's post I had began to type a lengthy introduction for you. That's when it hit me. I could give you all of the basics. I could tell you that I am a Public Relations major and a junior this year.That I am still obsessed with the series "Friends" and repeatedly watch the re-runs even though I can pretty much quote every single line.
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Friends Quote from Pinterest
I could even tell you that I have always wanted a pet, but have never been able to get one since my mother seems to find an excuse for every animal that we suggest. But what good would any of this information do? Can you really be introduced to a person simply by knowing of them? So I decided I would share something a bit more with you.
Ever since I was little I have been obsessed with books. I read them like normal kids eat candy, but the only difference was that I never got off my sugar rush. I would get so engrossed in reading a book that I would forget that I even had the need to eat, sleep, or even get up off of the couch. That's where the problem began! Books were my escape. I could open up a book about a psychopath murderer and be able to know exactly what his next move would be yet still be surprised when the inevitable happened. I could be a fearless rebel fighting for what I believed in even though no one would support me. So basically, I could be anyone or anything. Nothing anyone did could tear me away from my special little world. This would always make my Dad incredibly angry, because it directly affected my health. He would think of ways to get me to stop in the middle of my wonderful book for food, sleep, and conversation. (Who needs those right?) Unlike, most parents he couldn't say, "Get up and read a book! Stop wasting your time!" So, he would simply take my books and hide them. He would literally grab them out of my hand, walk into his room, lock the door, and then come back out book free! Although once I had completed my dinner he would do his best to keep the book from me for longer so that I would spend some time in the real world. It was a constant fight between the two of us! I loved my books, my fantasies, but I always loved my family more. Thankfully today I have found a balance between getting attached to a book and knowing when I need to put it down for a break. Like I said before books were my escape from the world. What is your escape?...
Hi Sahra! This was such a great introduction post. I feel like I really got to know a lot about you! I have to say, I love that you included the picture from Friends. That episode is actually my very favorite episode! I laughed out loud when I saw your picture.
ReplyDeleteI love how in depth you went about your passion for reading. That is very interesting! I love that you know exactly what your escape is. For me, I feel like I have a variety of escapes. I love baking, reading, and watching movies. I think the best escape for me is just spending time with my friends--getting out and getting away from my problems. Also, when I'm stressed out, I like to clean and organize to make me feel better. I guess it gives me a sense of order in my life, I'm not sure. I know that I get it from my mother; she is the same way!
Wow Sahra! What an awesome twist on the introduction post. I like that you delved past the surface information that we always put into these and let us see a little into your private world. I've always had an intense passion for reading too. In fact, I read the entire Harry Potter series in about 2.5 weeks. I'm not sure if it is an escape for me, so much as a way to travel and go on adventures without paying for airplanes and hotels. I don't really know what my escape would be. Maybe reading, or drawing, or even travelling, be it through books, movies or planning dream adventures. It might even be learning. After spending a semester in Italy, I realized that I love travelling because I get to learn about a new culture of people and how they communicate and interact. Maybe that is my escape!
ReplyDeleteIt is always nice to meet another book-obsessed person, Sahra! As you will figure out when you visit the Freebookapalooza site for an assignment later this week, I am also book-obsessed. The way that parents have to limit their children's screentime is how my parents would have to limit my booktime when I was little (although they never actually hid my books... although I guess they probably thought about it, ha ha). I am guessing that the storytelling that is a huge part of Public Relations will be something that comes easily to you with all the stories you have been reading/living in the pages of books, and I hope you will have fun finding some new books and telling your own stories for this class too! :-)
ReplyDeleteTime is very difficult to manage for anyone, definitely agreed. I feel you on the fact that summer went by fast, every summer feels like that to me. "Friends" is hands down my favorite televised series. I recently started from the beginning of the series on Netflix. Escape to me comes in many forms. I sometimes use books like you to escape, but mostly I use driving as an escape. I live 30 minutes out from OU so the time spent going back and forth, is very calming and reflective. Public Relations is a great major, and I wish you luck with your life!
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh, I've always wanted a pet, too, but my dad always jokes that he already has one monkey (hint: that's me). Anyway, hi Sahra!! I like that you introduced yourself in terms of your favorite escape; your passion for books is so inspiring and I can definitely relate. I used to get in trouble at school when I was little for reading instead of paying attention in class.
ReplyDeleteAs for my escape, I think it's crafting. I love working on new projects and adding to old ones. I started bullet journaling in January 2015 and I haven't looked back since. It's so calming and fun for me and it keeps me right on track when my schedule gets too hectic, because you're right, I'm always running after time.
ReplyDeleteHello Sahra (I really love your name btw, it’s so unique). I really love how you allowed the audience to know more about you than just what meets the eye…or in this case, the page ahaha. I used to love reading books as well! Nowadays I can’t ever seem to find the time to read. From all the homework and watching Korean dramas, I just can’t seem to find the time. This leads me to my next topic, my escape. I love watching Korean dramas aka K dramas. I love the humor and especially the romance of it all, I could literally sit there for the whole day just watching these. I still have yet to know when to take a break so I applaud you for having self-control. Thank you for sharing a piece of your life with us!
Hi Sahra! Time is a very hard thing to manage! I had a hard time as a child with getting to attached to playing video games and watching television. Once I got to invested into watching or playing something it was pretty much over from there! But thankfully just like you I was able to find a balance with all of them in my later years or just figure out how to avoid them. Your introduction was very different from other ones I have read in this class and it was very refreshing! Thank you for showing us how much time really matters!
ReplyDeleteI am definitely with you on that, time is of the essence and we do not have enough of it as a student here. I took classes over the summer so that why I did not have enough time, and it seemed like summer was over in a second since I only had 3 weeks of actual summer. I love watching friends too, I've seen all the episodes 3-4 times and I still laugh watching the sames things over and over again.
ReplyDeleteTime is something that definitely goes by very fast!! I don't know where my summer went either. I like to stay very busy, and I love my job, so that's usually where all my time goes!
ReplyDeleteTime always goes by so fast. This is my last year in college and it's definitely feeling like it all just blazed on by. But you get used to and in a way, I feel like I've come to enjoy it. There's always bigger and better things waiting in the future. It's a pleasure to meet you and I hope you have a good semester.
ReplyDeleteHi, Sahra! WoooOOOOooooW! Your dad actually *HID* your books from you as a kid?! And I thought I was bad! We're kindred spirits in that, my parents would always find me hiding in my closet with a flashlight reading, locking myself in the bathroom, reading in the tub to get away from everyone, and basically not caring about much else other than the story! Although, I did stop to eat, play, and sleep. ;-) Even to this day, though, I hoard books, so no one volunteers to help move me anymore, since I have *way* too many boxes of books! I'm trying to get better about keeping only a few. Great job on a very informative introduction!
ReplyDeleteI ultimately feel your pain regarding a summer that seems like it went far too quickly. This past summer I was luckily able to avoid this unfortunate feeling. Taking a summer class allowed for a few weeks off but also the relief of not having to deal with what feels like a summer hangover when school begins in August. I really enjoyed getting to understand your love for books. I think it's really important to find something to be passionate about and it seems like you have had little difficulty in finding it! I hope you have a great semester!
ReplyDeleteSahra, I actually had almost the same thing happen to me. In elementary school, I would always go to the library to read instead of going to recess; my parents weren't incredibly pleased to discover that little factoid. They called the librarian and told her that I wasn't allowed to hang out there anymore. That didn't stop me from taking my book outside with me though. :)
ReplyDeleteI remember a time when time vanished while reading a book...I used to use every free second I had in school to dive back into whatever I was reading at the time. When the bell rang and I was pushed out into the hall with all the other kids, I was always a little confused. Hadn't I just been somewhere else, someone else? It took a while to sort out myself from the current protagonist, whoever they might be.
ReplyDeleteIt wasn't until high school that I began to dial back the books in exchange for a more social life. While I've grown in a lot of ways ever since, I still miss the total absorption of those earlier times, when a book had the power to bend time, place, and identity.
Hi Sahra! Nice to meet you. I have already read some of your stories, but I liked learning more about you personally, also. I like that you put the fun subtitles with exclamations at the beginning of your story and this introduction. I also like books and reading is so so important for this class! And I agree... where did the summer go?!
ReplyDeleteHey Sahra! I agree that time definitely does not stop for anyone! I'm glad you are enjoying your time at OU so much and you should take advantage of being in college. I was like you too growing up, always had my head stuck in a book! I would read through the night particularly (something I'd soon regret the next morning...). Good luck with the end of your semester!