Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Reading Notes: Epified 7 Secrets from the Hindu Calendar, Part E

Hello World!!

In today's reading we learned about Vishnu and Go-Daan, or Cow Charity. This helped us better understand why cows are of such importance to most Indian cultures. They are given importance through the culture's deities, and in this case Vishnu is the one that is discussed.

One of the most interesting things I found was about Kamadhenu, the magical cow who can fulfill any wish. It was a little reminiscent of Genie from Aladdin. I'm not attempting to make fun of the culture that is simply what came to my mind. I find that it allows me to better understand what I am learning about if I can relate it back to something I know very well. I think it would be a really good story to have the two of them come together and meet or to have a contest to see who is the better of the two. It could be a wonderfully comical story.

I also found it incredibly interesting how each of the Vishnu's avatars were that of animals. Almost every single avatar gave a certain animal importance whether that be the fish, the cow, the lion, or even the turtle. Loving and caring for animals is an important part of this culture from what I can see, and it should be an important part of every culture.

Moving along, I also enjoyed the comparison found between Krishna and Rama. I adore the two characters but never realized that they were shown in a certain manner to provide knowledge about various human traits. This is explained better in this quote.

"If Ram is about laws and appropriate conduct, Krishna is about love and affection. While Ram focuses on discipline and the head, Krishna focuses more on affection and the heart."

I enjoyed today's viewing very much and look forward to tomorrow's reading as well!

Kamadhenu sculpture, Source: IndiaMART

All the above information can be found at this link:Epified 7 Secrets from the Hindu Calendar Reading Guide.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Reading Notes: Epified 7 Secrets from the Hindu Calendar, Part D

Hello World!!

 In today's viewing, we learned all about Shiva and Devi.  I found the story of kanyakumari to be very interesting! Her story was heart wrenching, and it's outcome is incredibly unfortunate. I especially enjoyed the quote,

"The goddess is a symbol of the material world. We want this world to be like a mother so that it can feed us; we want this world to be like a warrior so that it can defend us. So, the Goddess and her many diminutive doubles, the goddesses of households and villages, are mothers and warriors, loving and fearful."

I think that this shows that we all have weaknesses in the material world. We try to overcome them but sometimes it isn't a possibility for us and we end up getting hurt. It is unfortunate,but it is a part of life.

Once again, I found that there was a stark difference in men and women as well as how they are depicted when it comes to deities. For example, for man this quote was used,

"A man's desire is fulfilled by engaging with the world. From the world come wealth, knowledge, and power. Man can take all this from the Goddess, but the Goddess also asks him to give some things in return. She may be the object, the observation, but she demands that the subject, the observer, engage with her not with the language fo domination, but with the language of love."

and for women, this one

"Man begs the goddess to allow herself to become domesticated and become a mother. But he knows she is wild and dangerous and can strike him down any time."

I don't understand completely why it is necessary for the women to be domesticated but the man can engage with the world? I find this to be giving men a ability that is being taken away from women. If I am wrong please do correct me, but if you agree please feel free to let me know!

Shiva and Devi, Source: Pinterest

All the above information can be found at this link:Epified 7 Secrets from the Hindu Calendar Reading Guide.

The Makhaan Chor

Hello World!!

"Thank you for helping me move in!" I told my neighbor, the old lady. 

It was my first time living all alone and I was so excited! Vrindavan was such a beautiful city! I couldn't wait to explore it. 

"Are you listening to me?" I suddenly heard the lady screech. 

She had stopped at the door and turned around to face me. I had been so busy day dreaming about exploring Vrindavan that I had no idea what she was trying to tell me. 

"Could you repeat that? I am not sure that I heard correctly," I said with a smile hoping that she wouldn't realize I hadn't been listening at all. 

She glared at me as she started again."Beware of the Makhaan Chor, or the Butter Theif! Make sure that you hide your makhaan in a place no one will suspect. We all have to worry about our makhaan disappearing, but since you are new here you will be his next target guaranteed. Keep the makhaan safe." 

She turned around and crossed the sidewalk to her house as I rushed to shut the door before I collapsed onto the ground overtaken by laughter. She wanted to warn me about a makhaan chor? That was her big important warning? I concluded that the old lady had become senile. She had obviously lost her mind. Who would need to steal makhaan? You can buy it at the market at any time. I, myself, had bought around four packages. It wasn't even possible for someone to steal that much or even eat that much makhaan at once. I shook my head in disbelief and went to retire for the night. It had been a long day trying to move in not to mention the five-hour-drive here from my parents' house. I suppose that was a plus point as well though. The farther away from them a little bit the better it would be for me! 


I woke up the next morning to my stomach growling. I knew that I was craving my usual toast with butter for breakfast. I couldn't start my day without it! All of a sudden I heard the sound of glass breaking in the kitchen. I picked up the baseball bat that I had left against my nightstand and slowly got up from my bed. Once I got to the kitchen I saw a little boy standing in the middle of it. I lowered my bat and spoke in my best scary man voice, "What on earth are you doing in my house, little boy?"

I heard him swallow as he slowly turned around. He was the cutest little boy ever, and I am saying that. I hate kids yet there was something about him that entranced me in some way. I couldn't stop staring at his adorable grin and those huge brown eyes filled with mischief. He reminded me of my little brother.

"I am just here to welcome you to our neighborhood!" he mentioned. "I didn't want to scare you!" He looked at the ground as the grin on his face was replaced with a sad frown. He began to draw circles on the kitchen floor with his foot. "I'm sorry." he whispered.

"Don't worry, little man. How about I make both of us some breakfast? Then I can drop you off to your house on my way to work." I was in awe that these words were even coming out of my mouth, but the last thing that I needed was for everyone to hear about how I screamed at a little kid.

"Okay! Do you have any makhaan? I always have some for breakfast!" He sounded so excited that my smile was back.

I nodded as I walked over to the fridge and stuck my hand in the drawer only to find... nothing. NOTHING?! I knew I had bought four packages of butter! I was planning on making a big feast for all of my friends coming over this weekend and knowing that I would be at work all day I had chosen, for the first time, to be prepared. I ran my hand over where the makhaan used to be once more and found a piece of paper. "Welcome to the neighborhood," it read and it was signed The Makhaan Chor. It had to be the little kid! No one else had been in my house since the old lady left! I turned around to find the child gone. So this was what he wanted. Alright then. It was time for a war....

The Makhaan Chor, Source: Spiritual India Gallery

Author's Note:  

I really enjoyed learning about Krishna and his love for makhaan! I thought that he was adorable and I kept imagining this scene in my head of what his various thefts of makhaan would be like. I had to write at least one down, and this one was the one that I choose. I got all of my knowledge about Krishna from the Epified videos all about Krishna. I still adore how people make him out to be such a mischievous child. It makes him seem incredibly endearing. He was naughty but he still somehow found a way into everyone's hearts. He was such a cute character that I couldn't help but write about him in some aspect. I would love to know more about him and Radha as well! I find that I enjoy romantic stories but especially more so when there is some mischief involved. I also found this story to be a change from my usual stories as well. I think that it was time for a change. This class is all about finding out who we are as a writer and exploring our creativity, so I assumed that challenging myself would be a good thing!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Reading Notes: Epified 7 Secrets from the Hindu Calendar, Part C

Hello World!!

 In today's reading, or viewing, specifics on Hindu ideas and values about their religion were discussed. I really enjoyed learning about the differences between males and females in Hinduism. I like that aside from being different they still are equally important, and one is not given superiority over the other. I especially enjoyed the following quote: 

"The male trinity is associated with verbs: creating, sustaining, destroying. The female trinity, on the other hand, is associated with nouns: knowledge, wealth, power. Wealth, knowledge, and power can be created, sustained, or destroyed."

This quote from the video clearly states the differences between the two trinities. The video then went on to discuss the different variations such as Maya, Ardhanari, Shiva, etc. Each of these was equated with a meaning and a detailed explanation. I was not aware that there was so much unique variation involved in Hinduism. They have managed to give each one the deserved homage and reverence which is endearing. Each one has its own place and importance in the faith. 

Shiva and Parvati, Source: Karma Kanda Puja Vidhi
I really enjoyed the story about Shiva and Parvati. I liked the one better where the two merged into one. I think that makes them very unique, although Parvati's jealousy surprises me. I believe that trust works both ways, and there is a certain amount of trust simply expected between two people. She did sit in his lap to keep it from happening though so she could have also simply been immensely offended.
All the above information can be found at this link:Epified 7 Secrets from the Hindu Calendar Reading Guide.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Reading Notes: Epified 7 Secrets from the Hindu Calendar, Part B

Hello World!!

This week's reading was over Narayan. I thought it was really interesting! I especially liked the part about discussing about how Hindu's don't have an urgency in this life because they believe that they will have many other lives unlike Christians and Muslims according to the videos. I have mentioned before on my blog that I really like looking up stories about Naags or Naagins because they are incredibly interesting and often enough I stumble upon one that is named Shesha. I finally know the origin of that name. I did not realize that was the serpent on whom Narayan was sleeping. I love that connection. I think it would be really interesting to write a story about a Naagin and her revenge! I find the entire concept of them truly fascinating and I can't wait to learn more about them. 

Narayan, Source: YouTube

I really enjoyed the story about the revelation of the Bhaghvad-Gita. I have never really learned about these things in that much detail so the story was very enticing to me. I thought it was really unique that he, "sang God's song" I never imagined that the holy book had been revealed in that manner. Most stories that you hear have the revelations being heard or spoken but this one was sung. Is it recited in the same manner? In song? I think it would be interesting to do some research on it and find out the details. 

All in all, I enjoyed the videos, or reading, for today and I can't wait to gather more information on the things that I am curious about. I hope that I get to learn more and more about this beautiful culture! Thanks for introducing it to me!

 All the above information can be found at this link:Epified 7 Secrets from the Hindu Calendar Reading Guide.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Reading Notes: Epified 7 Secrets from the Hindu Calendar, Part A

Hello World!!

I am still watching the "7 Secrets from the Hindu Calendar" on epified. I am curious to see what I think about this video section. I might end up choosing a different reading for next week, since I am prone to changing my mind often, but I still wanted to give this one a try. So far I find it somewhat interesting. It seems to be very informative, however, I am not sure exactly how long I would like to watch these videos. (On a side note the election was last night.... I am upset that the candidate I chose to vote for did not win, and that is all I feel best to say on the matter. Feel free to leave your comments if you would like to do so.)

For this specific reading the information was based on the Hindu deity Ganesha. From the knowledge that I have, I know that he is the one God who allows much leniency. I was once told that if you wanted to add a baseball cap to Ganesha, assuming that you enjoy baseball, you could do so and not offend anyone. I am not 100% sure about this information, but I do know that this is what I was told as a child. Please do correct me if I am wrong! 

Ganesha, Source: A2ua
I enjoyed the story of Bahucharas. I found it incredibly interesting. I thought that the concept itself of a hijra was interesting. I have seen them roaming the streets back home when I go to visit, but I never knew that there way a story or importance of them to such an immense degree.  I like that they talked about 2 versions of the story. I enjoyed the version about the young girl turning the thief into a hijra after he attempted to molest her. I feel that was a valid punishment right? I am curious as to why this is deemed more as a punishment as anything else.

  All the above information can be found at this link:Epified 7 Secrets from the Hindu Calendar Reading Guide.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Reading Notes: Epified Krishna, Part B

Hello World!!

I am still enjoying the Krishna epified stories. I find them very interesting especially since, like I have said before, they are stories that we have not yet read in class. I find Krishna's mischievous acts comedic and his innocent naughtiness endearing. I really like the idea that within the Indian culture they have such a variety of gods. From Hanuman to Krishna, I find that I am genuinely pleased with how each of the Gods has their own aura and personality. It is incredible that they have the ability to differentiate each God so easily by nature.

The thing that intrigued me most about Krishna was the love story of Radha and Krishna. It is a story that all Bollywood films, or really any Indian romantic story has taken inspiration from. I really enjoyed the story of Radha. I liked how they chose to challenge Radha's love and Krishna felt her pain while she felt nothing. I thought it was sweet how she was completely devoted to Krishna and could see no other. I think that shows how love can be so pure.

I also really like how Krishna is shown as down to earth. He finds it so easy to share his food or simply be an equal to those around him without any qualms. He is such an incredible character. He his humble, loving, and caring.

Lord Krishna, Source: SantaBanta

All the above information can be found at this link: Reading Guide for Epified Krishna

Abandoning Love

Hello World!!

The village man’s voice echoed in Rama’s head. Rama had been sitting in his office trying to get some work done for the past hour, but all he could do was think about the village man. He braced himself as he heard the voice once again.
“I am no different from Rama! He accepted his wife even after she lived with Ravana for six months. Who knows what happened then? We are simply living in the example of our leader.”
The voice got louder and louder until it became a scream in his head. Rama saw the man’s face with the gap tooth and mole on his left cheek.
The village man’s laugh echoed in Rama’s head putting every single part of Rama’s body on fire. Rama jumped out of the chair. There was a loud echoing thud as it dropped to the ground. This was it. He couldn’t take it anymore. Something needed to be done about the constant taunting he had to deal with. It was getting out of hand. The voices needed to be stopped. The jeering and laughing. The pointing and whispering. The village man had gotten everyone talking! Rama gripped the desk in front of him with both hands to steady himself. Sita needed to be taken care of. He couldn’t handle it anymore.
Sita continued pacing back in forth in her room. She was so excited she could barely contain herself. She ran over to her nightstand and picked up the pregnancy test for the fourth time. She couldn’t believe she was pregnant. Now they would have a perfect family. Ram, Sita, and their child. She felt her eyes well up with tears of joy. She put the pregnancy test in the drawer, and took a few steps back. She twirled around once. Twice. She stopped and wrapped herself in a hug while tears ran down her face. She cradled her womb and whispered to her unborn child. “Let’s go surprise Daddy and make his day a bit better! Are you ready, love?”
She had been imagining Rama’s face lighting up and glowing. She knew he would go crazy buying gifts for the child as well. Teddy bears and train sets. Dolls and cars. She sprinted to the doorway. She had to find him and tell him now!
Rama came to a sudden stop when he saw Sita in front of him. He paused to take a look at her. Her big beautiful eyes and glowing face. That smile that he had fallen in love with lit up her entire face. He couldn’t help but smile in return himself. That smile had taken away his problems many times before. “FOCUS RAMA. Focus,” he thought to himself. This needs to be done.
“I have to go to a meeting, Sita. Since it is much farther away from here than I would like, I was hoping that you would be willing to accompany me?” He said it just as he had practiced in his office.
“Of course, Rama!! Let me just change.” Sita smiled and walked back to the room.
Rama felt tears beginning to surface in his eyes. No. Not now. He had to be strong. He went to the office to grab his files.
They had been traveling for six hours now, and Sita had fallen been asleep for two hours in Rama’s lap. He continued mindlessly stroking her hair and admiring his wife until the driver stopped the car. He turned around and asked, “Now, sir?”
Rama gave a quick nod in response and the driver walked outside and opened the hood of the car.
“Sita, Sita, wake up. The car has broken down,” Rama announced to his wife. This needed to happen as seamlessly and quickly as possible. “Sita.”
Sita woke up and sat up next to Rama looking a little confused. “Would you care to go for a walk, dear?” Rama asked. Sita nodded and opened the car door.
They had been walking for about thirty minutes now when Rama stopped abruptly. “I left my phone in the car!” he stated. “Give me just a second, love. I’ll go grab it and come right back.”
“Let me come with you,” Sita exclaimed
“I’ll be right back. Don’t worry! I run super fast!” He smiled down at her.
“Okay.” Sita gave in and sat down at the tree waiting for him, “I’ll be right here waiting for you!”
Rama turned around and sprinted away as quickly as possible. He needed to leave before he changed his mind.
“That’ll be all. Thank you,” Rama exclaimed to the driver.

 “Yes, Sir,” the driver replied as he left. Rama took off his shoes and lay down in his bed. He leaned over and opened the drawer to his nightstand to begin looking for the thermometer. He felt as though his entire body was on fire. The feeling refused to disappear. He felt the thermometer under his fingers and grabbed it. It felt a little different in his hand. He looked down at his hands and immediately sat up. He couldn’t look away. He threw the pregnancy test against the wall and curled up at the front of his bed. He began to rock back and forth. Back and forth. Back and forth. Back and forth…..

Sita strained her neck to see if she could spot Rama on his way back. He had been gone for hours it seemed, but she had lost all track of time. It would be today that she had no phone and no watch. “Maybe I should get up and look for him? No. No. He said that he would come back. He said to wait,” she thought to herself. She placed a huge grin on her face once more, and continued to strain her neck to see if she could spot Rama. She knew it wouldn’t be too long before he came back! After all, it’s not like he would just leave her there! She knew he loved her too much to live without her….

Sita waiting for Rama, Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/31/Sitas_Exile_by_Raja_Ravi_Varma_%281848_-_1906%29.jpg
Author’s Note: I found that this part of the Ramayana hadn’t been given enough detail in my opinion. Once I read about it on Wikipedia, I knew that I needed to write about it. I needed to bring a change in the story to make it a bit more modern. I thought that this would bring about a positive change. I wanted to create a very strong feeling towards the characters. I wanted Rama to be despised yet understood and to create a form of sympathy towards Sita. I think that this allows for you to understand the circumstances and gives you an insight into the lives of both Rama and Sita.
I am including this piece specifically because I feel that while my last story of Rama and Sita showed a strong independent woman there was a side to Sita that was vulnerable that I wanted to capture. I believe that when we are in love we are all a little vulnerable. I wanted to make sure that you saw that in Sita. I wanted to bring the innocence and good heart in a way that you could imagine it perfectly. I hope that you enjoy reading this story as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Here’s to trying something new!

Source Used: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sita

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Reading Notes: Epified Krishna, Part A

Hello World!!

For this week I choose to keep the same format of videos since I do enjoy the Epified video, but I did not enjoy hearing the same story twice. I am now learning about Krishna, and I have to say I am enjoying the story. I really like that it is something new. 

 I really liked the story of the Goddess Durga. I admire that she brings forth the belief that women can be strong and fearless. I think that the Goddess Durga did a great job terrifying Kamsa. I think this would be a great thing to elaborate on! There are so many details that could be added into this specific scene. It would allow to open up a new story if modernized as well! 

One of my favorite stories that I have heard about Krishna is the Maakan Chor story! I think it adds a certain amount of cuteness and innocence to the entire story! It always brings a smile to my faced hearing about how mischievous Krishna is as a child. I think this is one of the only avatar's of  Vishnu that is so childlike and adorable. The entire story is so endearing. It is definitely something that I am leaning towards writing about.

The Maakan Chor, Souce: Beautiful hd wallpaper

 I am really enjoying this story of Krishna! I can't wait to see what else this cute but naughty child does! I am really happy with my choice of change in topic, and I can't wait to learn more about the story of Radha and Krishna. 

All the above information can be found at this link: Reading Guide for Epified Krishna

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Reading Notes: Epified Mahabharata, Part C

Hello World!!

 This reading was a continuation of the Epified Mahabharata. As much as I enjoy this format of viewing the Mahabharata I found that I was getting a bit lost throughout the story. The story jumped around a bit in my opinion, and I found that it was difficult for me to keep track of the various stories that were introduced in the middle of the main story. It was the same with the readings as well, but at times it can be very difficult to keep all of the characters straight. 

I found that the story that I enjoyed the most was that of Bhim and Bakasur. I like the way the story goes, but I wonder if Bhim could have used a riddle or a rhyme to confuse Bakasur. It would add some form of a comic element to the story and stray from the normal form of the past stories as well. I also wonder how it would be if a different character had the fought the battle or if the battle had been like Harry Potter's battle with the Dragon in the fourth installment of the series. I think this would be a very interesting take for a new and unique story. 

Bhim and Bakasur, Source: Boldsky.com

I also enjoyed the Pandavas escape as well! I think it would be really funny if the tunnel had a hidden exit. Everyone would assume that they were stuck but someone could find the opening and that would change everything. It could be unnecessarily over dramatic to provoke some comedy. I suppose that I am in a comedic mood today!

As much as I enjoy these episodes I feel that I am starting to be incredibly bored by the monotonous tone in which they are presented. I am going to be on the lookout for any new material to read! Something completely different would be very appreciated. 
All the above information can be found at this link: Reading Guide for Epified.  

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Reading Notes: Epified Mahabharata, Part B

Hello World!! 

 For the reading this week, I decided that I wanted to continue with the Epified story of the Mahabharata. I enjoy these shorts that are quick and concise. I think that this is a wonderful format to be able to view. 

The part that struck me in this specific part of the episodes was the mantra that Kunti was given to summon any god from the sage. I liked that they showed how she found the true importance and ability of the power that she had received. I do wonder what it would be like if she had ended up being selfish and had chosen to ask for something that she wanted. Maybe she could have requested for another another mantra that would allow her to do as she wanted without requesting for anyone else's consent. 

I wish she would have kept the cute adorable baby. I wonder how she would be able to take care of him. I think that the sage she had been serving would have been able to help take care of him as well. I think that would make for a great story. 

Kunti and the Baby, Source: Epicology - WordPress.com

I do feel that it is a little difficult for me to have different opinions on the same material, but I have more a different view on the presentation of the same material. It is the same story almost exactly. It has the same characters and situations, but it is shown in video format.

All the above information can be found at this link: Reading Guide for Epified.